

THE nucleic acid modification database (NAMDB) is a database of DNA and RNA modifications that provides comprehensive information concerning the reported modifications occurring in DNA and RNA. The database employs an easy-to-use, searchable interface for obtaining detailed data on the 51 kinds of DNA modifications and 113 kinds of RNA modifications. The NAMDB will be to serve as a primary information portal for researchers across the nucleic acid-related research.

IN the database, we included the following features and data:

  • The chemical structures, common name and symbol, elemental composition and mass of modified 2’-deoxyribonucleosides and ribonucleosides
  • The contents of DNA and RNA modifications in a variety of species
  • Modifying enzymes for DNA and RNA modifications
  • Reference links for the reports of contents and modifying enzymes of DNA and RNA modifications
  • Searchable interface for obtaining detailed data of specific modifications.

Update at Jan 21, 2021

Contact information:
School of Public Health
Wuhan University
Wuhan, 430072, P. R. China

Bi-Feng Yuan, Ph.D.
Professor of Public Health

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