


   A pyrimidine that is a derivative of cytosine, having a methyl group at the 5-position.

Basic Information

Comman Name 5-methylcytosine
Symbol 5mC
Chemical Formula C5H7N3O
Nucleoside Mass 125.13

Locations and Contents

ModificationOrganisms or CellsContentsReferences
5mCHuman tissues (Placenta, sperm, heart, liver, lungs, spleen, lymphocytes, brain, thymus)0.76-1.00% [5mC/DNA]
5mCHomo sapiens1.22% [5mC/DNA]
5mCDrosophila melanogaster0.008% [5mC/DNA]
5mCDrosophila melanogaster embryos0.1-0.4% [5mC/dC]
5mCHuman placenta2.994% [5mC/(5mC+dC)]
5mCHuman brain3.84% [5mC/(5mC+dC)]
5mCHuman liver3.702% [5mC/(5mC+dC)]
5mCClupea pallasii, sperm10.82% [5mC/(5mC+dC)]
5mCHeLa cells3.8% [5mC/(5mC+dC)]
5mCHeLa cells3.0% [5mC/(5mC+dC)]
5mCHeLa cells2.8% [5mC/dG]
5mC293T cells2.6% [5mC/dC]
5mCMouse organs (heart, liver, lung, spleen, brain cortex, thymus, pancreas, E14, E14 Tet1 knockdown)2.4-3.1% [5mC/dC]
5mCHuman blood3.75% [5mC/(5mC+dC)]
5mCEarthworms3.36% [5mC/(5mC+dC)]
5mCSalmon testes6.98% [5mC/(5mC+dC)]
5mCHuman normal-adjacent colorectal tissue5.2% [5mC/(5mC+dC)]
5mCHuman tumor-adjacent colorectal tissue3.6% [5mC/(5mC+dC)]
5mCA549 cells4.28% [5mC/dG]
5mCHepG2 cells3.81% [5mC/dG]
5mCHK2 cells5.39% [5mC/dG]
5mCHuman sperm4.22% [5mC/dG]
5mCHEK293T-Tet12.7% [5mC/dG]
5mCHEK293T-Tet1m3.6% [5mC/dG]
5mCHuman brain5.3% [5mC/dG]
5mCWM-266-42.8% [5mC/dG]
5mCMouse brain4.6% [5mC/dG]
5mCMouse skin (red head)3.4% [5mC/dG]
5mCMouse skin (albino)3.4% [5mC/dG]
5mCHuman tumor-adjacent lung tissue3.6% [5mC/(5mC+dC)]
5mCRat liver3.55% [5mC/(5mC+dC)]
5mCRat liver3.5% [5mC/(5mC+dC)]
5mCCalf thymus6.26% [5mC/(5mC+dC)]
5mCCalf thymus5.8% [5mC/(5mC+dC)]
5mCMus musculu7.6% [5mC/dC]
5mCDrosophila melanogaster adult0.034% [5mC/dC]
5mCCaenorhabditis elegans0.0019-0.0033% [5mC/dC]
5mCHuman CRC tumor tissues3.5% [5mC/dG]
5mCHuman CRC tumor-adjacent normal tissues4.1% [5mC/dG]
5mCMouse ES cells3.0% [5mC/dG]
5mCNHDF-Neo cells0.85% [5mC/dN]
5mCK562 cells0.28% [5mC/dN]
5mCMe45 cells0.72% [5mC/dN]
5mCHCT 116, BL cells0.86% [5mC/dN]
5mCRaji cells0.80% [5mC/dN]
5mCPeripheral blood leukocytes4.11% [5mC/dC]
5mCCAD patients3.75% [5mC/dC]
5mCPisum sativum23.2% [5mC/dC]
5mCSinapsis alba12.2% [5mC/dC]
5mCViscum album23.2% [5mC/dC]
5mCVicia faba30.5% [5mC/dC]
5mCNicotiana tabacum32.6% [5mC/dC]
5mCTriticum aestivum22.4% [5mC/dC]
5mCTriticum (wheat germ)20.1% [5mC/dC]
5mCLycopersicum esculentum23% [5mC/dC]
5mCNicotiana tabacum32.4% [5mC/(5mC+dC)]
5mCNicotiana tabacum33.5-35.0% [5mC/dC]
5mCBrassica napus14.7% [5mC/dC]
5mCZea mays35% [5mC/DNA]
5mCZea mays16.33-16.89% [5mC/dC]
5mCZea mays13.4-15.0% [5mC/dC]
5mCArabidopsis thaliana Col0, leaves6.47% [5mC/(5mC+dC)]
5mCNicotiana tabacum34.15% [5mC/(5mC+dC)]
5mCMedicago sativa19.16% [5mC/(5mC+dC)]
5mCLepidium sativum14.6% [5mC/(5mC+dC)]
5mCLinum usitatissimum15-19% [5mC/dC]
5mCOryza sativa14% [5mC/dC]
5mCOryza sativa11-14% [5mC/(5mC+dC)]
5mCOryza sativa16.0% [5mC/dC]
5mCArabidopsis thaliana4.6% [5mC/dC]
5mCArabidopsis thaliana6.5% [5mC/dC]
5mCArabidopsis thaliana9.63% [5mC/dG]
5mCArabidopsis thaliana14.0% [5mC/dC]
5mCSaccharomyces cerevisiae0.3-1.0% [5mC/dC]
5mCApodachlya sp., Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Aspergillusnidulans nidulnns≤0.10% [5mC/(5mC+dC)]
5mCPhycomyces blakesleeanus0.50% [5mC/(5mC+dC)]
5mCSporotrichum dimorphosphorum0.20% [5mC/(5mC+dC)]
5mCCandida albicans Sh8, 9938, B3110.045-0.11% [5mC/DNA]
5mCYeast0.014-0.364% [5mC/(5mC+dC)]
5mCChlamydomonas reinhardtii0.70% [5mC/dC]
5mCTetrahymena pyriformis<0.02% [5mC/dC]
5mCAnabaena sp. strain PCC 71204.28% [5mC/dC]
5mCPlectonema sp. strain 5942.9% [5mC/dC]
5mCSynechoccus cedrorum R21.3% [5mC/dC]
5mCSalmonella typhosa0.91-1.02% [5mC/dC]
5mCAlcaligenes faecalis1.89% [5mC/dC]
5mCBacillus brevis R, S and P0.26%, 1.94% and 0.61% [5mC/dC]
5mCAgrobacterium tumefaciens0.52% [5mC/dC]
5mCPropionibacterium shermanii1.53% [5mC/dC]
5mCMycobacterium luteum0.30% [5mC/dC]
5mCEscherichia coli C, CK0.92-0.95% [5mC/dC]
5mCEscherichia coli C, CK1.00% [5mC/dG]
5mCEscherichia coli B<0.01% [5mC/dG]
5mCEscherichia coli (EC6001, 6002, 6006, 6026; ECOR11, 27, 47, 52; Popeye-1)0.86-1.30% [5mC/dG]
5mCEscherichia coli DH5α2.3% [5mC/dC]
5mCEscherichia coli GM2929 (dcm-6)0.016% [5mC/dC]
5mCPhage ?X1740.02% [5mC/DNA]
5mCLambda phage< 0.30% [5mC/(5mC+dC)]

Modification Enzymes and Reactions

Modification Enzymes:DNMTs