


   An oxopurine that is guanine which is substituted by an oxo group at position 8.

Basic Information

Comman Name 8-oxoguanine
Symbol 8-oxo-G
Chemical Formula C5H3N5O2
Nucleoside Mass 165.11

Locations and Contents

ModificationOrganisms or CellsContentsReferences
8-oxo-GHuman leukocytes0.00033% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GCalf thymus0.06528% [8-oxo-G /dN)
8-oxo-GHuman brain0.00136% [8-oxo-G /dN)
8-oxo-GHuman lung0.00968% [8-oxo-G /dN)
8-oxo-GHuman colon0.00271% [8-oxo-G /dN)
8-oxo-GHuman stomach0.00094% [8-oxo-G /dN)
8-oxo-GHuman ovary0.00311% [8-oxo-G /dN)
8-oxo-GNon-cancerous breast tissues0.0051% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GBreast cancer tissues.0.0036% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GNormal breast tissue0.008% [8-oxo-G /dN)
8-oxo-GBenign tumors breast tissue0.03136% [8-oxo-G /dN)
8-oxo-GMalignant breast tissue0.07808% [8-oxo-G /dN)
8-oxo-GHuman leukocytes0.00031% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GLymphocyte0.00374% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GChildren Human lymphocytes0.008608% [8-oxo-G /dN)
8-oxo-GHuman lung tissue0.00052% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GLung cancer tissues0.00052% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GSquamous cell carcinoma lung tissues0.00052% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GAdenocarcinoma lung tissues0.00051% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GNormal lung tissues0.00037% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GHuman leukocytes0.0034% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GNon-cancerous breast tissues0.00134% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GBreast cancer tissues.0.00207% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GHuman leukocytes0.00153% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GLung tumors0.00077% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GNormal lung tissues0.00081% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GMouse liver nDNA0.000032% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GMouse liver mtDNA0.000194% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GMouse brain nDNA0.000015% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GMouse brain mtDNA0.000342% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GMouse heart nDNA0.00002% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GMouse heart mtDNA0.000324% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GHCC peritumoral0.018% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GHCC tumor0.0032% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GNon-HCC peritumoral0.0039% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GNon-HCC tumor0.0108% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GNormal Human lymphocytes0.00098% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GAtherosclerotic patient Human lymphocytes0.001278% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GPig live0.001048% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GHeLa cells0.000523% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GHeLa cells0.000079% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GLymphocyte cell line0.00005% [8-oxo-G /dN)
8-oxo-GHeLa cells0.00401% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GLarynx tumor0.00195% [8-oxo-G /dN)
8-oxo-GLarynx adjacent tissues0.00205% [8-oxo-G /dN)
8-oxo-GFibroblast cell line0.00005% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GHuman leukocytes0.00031% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GKidney tissue0.1079% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GCultured cells0.00003% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GMouse brain cortices0.002219% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GHeLa cells0.00004% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GHuman lymphocytes0.000424% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GHuman lymphocyte0.000373% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GHeLa cells0.000278% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GHeLa cells0.00005% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GCD4+ T-cells0.004% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GNormal tissue, lung cancer patients0.001% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GMononucleocytes0.00049% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GHuman leukocytes0.0006% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GHuman lymphocytes0.00002% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GHuman leukocytes0.00048% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GHuman leukocytes0.0012% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GmESCs0.0005% [8-oxo-G /dN)
8-oxo-GPig liver,0.00013% [8-oxo-G /dN)
8-oxo-GPig brain0.00012% [8-oxo-G /dN)
8-oxo-GEscherichia coli0.00081% [8-oxo-G /dN)
8-oxo-GMouse lungs0.0042% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GRetinal pigment epithelium mtDNA0.017% [8-oxo-G /dN)
8-oxo-GRetinal pigment epithelium nuclear DNA0.000054% [8-oxo-G /dN)
8-oxo-GHepG2 cells0.00022% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GT24 cells0.00113% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GSprague-Dawley rat hepatic0.000265% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GNewborn mice brain tissues1.2% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GCHO_APP_iMTH1 cells.0.000653% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GMCF10A cells,0.00025% [8-oxo-G /dG)
8-oxo-GMCF10A cells,0.00025% [8-oxo-G /dG)

Modification Enzymes and Reactions

Modification Enzymes:reactive oxygen species